NHKラジオ英会話 8月 Special Week
Week 4 English Theater
A Fox Called Gon Act 4
A little fox called Gon lives in the mountains, not far from the Nakayama Castle.
He likes to play tricks on people. One day he steals an eel from a farmer called Hyoju.
Later Gon sees a funeral procession which is for Hyoju's mother and realizes that
Hyoju wanted his mother to have that eel.
Later Gon sees a funeral procession which is for Hyoju's mother and realizes that
Hyoju wanted his mother to have that eel.
toolshed 物置き
sardine イワシ
fishmonger 魚売り
chestnut 栗
~'s heart skipped a beat ~の心臓がドキッとした
get beat(beaten) up 酷い目にあう
A Fox Called Gon Act 5
go for a stroll 散策に出掛ける
what do you know それは驚いた
stop dead in one's tracks その場でピタリと止まる
sutra chanting 読経
rite 儀式
A Fox Called Gon Act 6
the gods 神仏
take pity on ~ ~をあわれと思う
Believe you me. 信じて下さいよ
Wouldn't you know it! 全く何と言うことだ(不運などを嘆いて)
show ~ a thing or two ~に目にもの見せてやる
musket 火縄銃
clatter ガチャッと言う音
barrel 銃身