2014年稼動 総事業費6000億円
Hitachiand General Electric( GE) in the U.S. have got an order of constructing a nuclear power station in the U.S.
Making a new nuclear power station in the U.S is the first one in 30 years.
The total cost will be 600 billion yen and the staion will be in operation in 2014.
in a table,
forecast of world nuclear electric generation capacity
(as of 2005)
2014年稼動 総事業費6000億円
Hitachiand General Electric( GE) in the U.S. have got an order of constructing a nuclear power station in the U.S.
Making a new nuclear power station in the U.S is the first one in 30 years.
The total cost will be 600 billion yen and the staion will be in operation in 2014.
in a table,
forecast of world nuclear electric generation capacity
(as of 2005)