from today's Nikkei

2006年11月20日 11時09分20秒 | 新聞記事から
APEC 北朝鮮制裁 完全実施を 首脳会議閉幕 全域FTA研究へ
議長声明 口頭で表明 中国が影響力
The curtain fell on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Concerning the North Korean nuclear threat, it is referred verbally in the chairman's final announcement so that all member countries should full-fledgedly implement the sanctions against North Korea. it is thought that China exerted its influence so that North Korean sanctions issue was not included in the final written document.And the final statement said that the Free Trade Agreement covering all memeber countries should be deliberated on in the future.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2006年11月20日 10時38分48秒 | 新聞記事から
首脳会談 協議活性化で一致 日米、安保・経済で同盟強化 ミサイル防衛、協力加速 対北朝鮮で連携確認
The Asia-Pacific Econemic Coopeartion conference summit meeting began, and the leaders agreed to accelearte their talks. On the sidelines of the meeting, one -on -one summit talks were also being held.Specifically, at the meeting between Prime Minister Shinzu Abe and U.S. President George W. Bush, they confirmed to strengthen bilateral ties in security and economic activities, to accelarate two countries' cooperation in the missile difense system, and to proceed with in alliance with each other in implementing the sanctions against North Korea.
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