特許使用権 企業再編後も保護 経産省方針 事前登録し契約継承
The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry will adopt a new system where a company,which has the right of using a patent,is able to continue the right,even if the patent owner company changes to another one through the business alignment. The ministry officilas say that a company's registering a package of rights of using other company's patents in advance to the ministry would be a prerequsite,in doing so.
The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry will adopt a new system where a company,which has the right of using a patent,is able to continue the right,even if the patent owner company changes to another one through the business alignment. The ministry officilas say that a company's registering a package of rights of using other company's patents in advance to the ministry would be a prerequsite,in doing so.