On Sunday I visited Horyuji Temple, as I referred to it in the yesterday's article in this blog. The day I drove the car. When I arrived at the temple,parked my car in the parking lot,get out of the car,closed the door and locked the door,just at the time,a temple bell was rung. On hearing it,I recalled at once the famous haiku poem by Shiki: When I was eating persimmon, a bell was rung, at Horyuji Temple(柿くえば 鐘がなるなり 法隆寺). The time was just at noon.
ソフトウエアに独禁法規則 来春にも公取委導入 抱き合わせ販売禁止
The Fair Trade Commission has decided to intoduce a new rule in the Antitrust Law in terms of software regulation next spring. The move is aimed at preventing software companies which have high maket shares from doing the unfair trade such as tie-in sales,that is,frocing their customers to buy products essentially unnecessary for them along with those which they really want to buy.
注:「抱き合わせ販売」一語を目的語にしてもいいわけですが、上記の例のように広義の概念を持ってきてsuch as ないしはincluding を使うと、何か言葉として安定感が出てくるように思います。such as の使い方としては、普通は、A such as B and C, A such as B or Cの形が多いですが、A such as B の形もあります。such asの前に「,」を入れることもよくあります。
The Fair Trade Commission has decided to intoduce a new rule in the Antitrust Law in terms of software regulation next spring. The move is aimed at preventing software companies which have high maket shares from doing the unfair trade such as tie-in sales,that is,frocing their customers to buy products essentially unnecessary for them along with those which they really want to buy.
注:「抱き合わせ販売」一語を目的語にしてもいいわけですが、上記の例のように広義の概念を持ってきてsuch as ないしはincluding を使うと、何か言葉として安定感が出てくるように思います。such as の使い方としては、普通は、A such as B and C, A such as B or Cの形が多いですが、A such as B の形もあります。such asの前に「,」を入れることもよくあります。