reason I could not put my article yesterday

2006年12月25日 16時40分48秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
On Sunday I was at Tenri city, Nara Prefecture,where the Tenrikyo Church Headquarters is located. I am a believer of Tenrikyo religion, manifested by Nakayama Miki 169 years ago when it was the 9th year of the Tenpo Era in the Edo Period.I atennded three persons there,who heard the God The Parent's teaching. In the afternoon of the day, we visted Horyuji Temple near there. Among the statues exhibited there is the famous Kudara bodhisattva, which is 210 cm tall. It was very beautiful statue. The statue of Kudara is not stupid(kudaranai in Japanese) indeed. With such a condition, I could not find any time to put my article in this blog.

参考:特定の日の午前・午後は前置詞in がonに変わりますから、上の例では、on the afternoon of the day とすべきです。
I atennded three persons there who heard the God The Parent's teaching. は、I atennded three persons there,who heard the God The Parent's teaching. として関係代名詞の継続用法にした方がいいと思います。後で気づいた事。
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from today's Nikkei

2006年12月25日 08時09分18秒 | 新聞記事から
企業の市場調達11兆円超 今年2割増 買収・設備投資向け 安定資金に軸足
Companies have been seeking to raise their money from stable market.The amount of money raised from the financial market this year has raised by 20 %,and has become more than 11 trillion yen. Such money is to be funneled to merger-and-acquisition fund or capital investment fund.Then companies are paying attention to raise such stable money.
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