from Sunday's Nikkei

2008年11月04日 15時59分51秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業21%減益 4-9月本社集計 世界景気減速や円高重し 電機や自動車苦戦 下期は減益幅拡大

It has been more conspicuous that domestic listed companies' business performances are getting worse.According to the compiled data by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on business performances in the period of April through September this year of the listed companies whose yearly business mid-term end at the end of September,consolidated recurring profit of the companies combined decreased by 21%, compared with that of a year earlier.It is obvious that the companies' performance was weighed down by the world economy's slowdown originating from the financial crisis,recent sudden movement into stronger yen,and soaring material prices.Especially, companies in the industries of electric machinery and automobile were faciing an uphill struggle. With current situation likely to be changed little,Many experts say that the companies' profit decrease will be more expanded in the second half of their business year.

注:performance という本来不可算の名詞を可算にしたりしなかったりゆれている。同じ文章の中でゆれるのは本来おかしいのでしょうが、練習のため好きなように、やってみた。
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from Monday's Nikkei

2008年11月04日 15時41分31秒 | 新聞記事から
パナソニック 三洋買収で基本合意 TOB実施 来年4月、子会社化 7日にも発表へ

Panasonic Corporation has reached a basic agreeement with Sanyo Electric Co.,Ltd. on its M&A deal of Sanyo.The heads of the two companies will make an announcement of it on 7th at the press confrence. By acquring more than half issues of Sanyo using the TOB method,Panasonic will make Sanyo its subsidiary around April next year.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年11月04日 13時19分00秒 | 新聞記事から
新興国事業見直し相次ぐ 三井化学 中国工場を撤回 いすず ベトナムで減産

More and more domestic manufacturing companies are thinkin of revising their business activities in developing countries. In China Mitsui Chemicals,Incorporated has decided to quit building a new plant there for synthetic fiber materials, and in Vietnam Isuzu Motors Limited has started reducing its production there.
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