外貨準備から10兆円 IMF強化、日本提案へ 金融サミット 振興国支援策 官民でアジア向け資金拠出
From the 14th in Washington,the U.S.,an emergency summit meeting( the financial summit) of the heads of advanced countries and developing countries will be held in order to cope with the current financial crisis.In this meeting Japan is going to make a proposal,whose outline was made public yesterday.According to the draft,Japan will promote IMF's activity for expanding its emergency supporting loans to developing countries by supplying up to 10 trillion yen level funds from some of Japan's foreign currency reserves to IMF.
Another idea includes a public-private-alliance fund support scheme which is aimed at helping Asian countries ,from which a lot of private funds have been flowing out due to the current financial crisis,to raise necessary funds.
Concerning the IMF's activity,Japan will also emphasize the need of strengthening IMF's financial market surveilence functioning and its capital significant enhancement in the near future.
From the 14th in Washington,the U.S.,an emergency summit meeting( the financial summit) of the heads of advanced countries and developing countries will be held in order to cope with the current financial crisis.In this meeting Japan is going to make a proposal,whose outline was made public yesterday.According to the draft,Japan will promote IMF's activity for expanding its emergency supporting loans to developing countries by supplying up to 10 trillion yen level funds from some of Japan's foreign currency reserves to IMF.
Another idea includes a public-private-alliance fund support scheme which is aimed at helping Asian countries ,from which a lot of private funds have been flowing out due to the current financial crisis,to raise necessary funds.
Concerning the IMF's activity,Japan will also emphasize the need of strengthening IMF's financial market surveilence functioning and its capital significant enhancement in the near future.