GDPマイナス0.4% 7-9月実質年率 2期連続で減少 経財相「景気は後退局面」
According to the data released on Monday by The Cabinet Office,Japan's gross domestic product (GDP) from July through September this year, on its preliminary basis,marked a annualized 0.4 decrease, which is real o.1% decrease,from the preceding quarter.Declines were logged for two quarters in a row, which is the first since the three quarters from August to December in 2001. Kaoru Yosano,state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy, confirmed during a press conference held on Monday that the economy is now in a downturn.
According to the data released on Monday by The Cabinet Office,Japan's gross domestic product (GDP) from July through September this year, on its preliminary basis,marked a annualized 0.4 decrease, which is real o.1% decrease,from the preceding quarter.Declines were logged for two quarters in a row, which is the first since the three quarters from August to December in 2001. Kaoru Yosano,state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy, confirmed during a press conference held on Monday that the economy is now in a downturn.