ドル機軸維持へ努力 IMF資本金倍増を 金融サミット 首相提案 市場監督・規制 新興国一体で
An emergency summit meeting,or financial summit meeting,of the heads from advanced and developing countries will open on the 14th evening -on the 15th morning in Japan Standard Time-in Washington, the U.S.,in order to talk about the measures for stabilizing the world economy and financial markets.Japan's Prime Minister Taro Aso has a plan to make a comprehensive proposal in the meeting centering on the measures such as the doubling of the IMF'a capital.He will also insit the need of maintaining the dollar as the world's key currency.
With redard to IMF's function, Japan has repeatedly insited there is necessity that IMF's function in terms of market surveilance and regulation should be more strengtheded. Another Japan's claim includes the participation of the so-called developing countries in the IMF's activity.
An emergency summit meeting,or financial summit meeting,of the heads from advanced and developing countries will open on the 14th evening -on the 15th morning in Japan Standard Time-in Washington, the U.S.,in order to talk about the measures for stabilizing the world economy and financial markets.Japan's Prime Minister Taro Aso has a plan to make a comprehensive proposal in the meeting centering on the measures such as the doubling of the IMF'a capital.He will also insit the need of maintaining the dollar as the world's key currency.
With redard to IMF's function, Japan has repeatedly insited there is necessity that IMF's function in terms of market surveilance and regulation should be more strengtheded. Another Japan's claim includes the participation of the so-called developing countries in the IMF's activity.