from yesterday's Nikkei

2008年11月10日 14時48分57秒 | 新聞記事から
法人税率下げ検討 税制改革「中期プログラム」 低所得者に優遇措置も 自民税調、年内に策定 消費税上げと連動

The House of Representative lawmaker Hakuo Yanagisawa,chairman of a subcommittee of Liberal Democratic Party's Tax System Council,said ,responding to the questions in the interview with The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, that they will stipulate in "the mid-term program" for the tax reforms which is expected to be compiled within the year corporate tax rate reduction and priority measure for low-income earners in terms of income tax.With regard to their financial sources,he said that with consumer tax rate increase in mind, the timing of the increase should be contemplated carefully.
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