from recent news in Japan

2024年10月02日 07時02分45秒 | 翻訳・通訳
石破内閣 発足 防災。地方創生 注力 初入閣13人 、女性2人 衆院選27日 15日告示

The Liberal Democratic Party President Shigeru Ishiba was named to be the 102nd prime minister of Japan at the Diet on the afternoon of Tuesday. After doing the formal procedure at the Imperial Palace, his cabinet started on the day. At the press conference, he made clear the goal of his cabinet that they will strengthen the state's ability to deal with natural disasters and help local governments renovate their local economy or activities. Another focus is referred to that they will strengthen cooperation with allied nations or nations with the same sense of value in international order. Among the cabinet ministers appointed by Prime Minister, 13 members are rookies for the post. Female members are 2. Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba also made clear his intention to dissolve the House of Representatives on October 9th. And the general elections start on October 15, and their voting and vote counting is held on October 27.
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