from recent news in Japan

2024年10月22日 07時38分10秒 | 翻訳・通訳
能登地方で  大雨から1か月  捜索活動が続いている  21日に犠牲者14人を追悼した
A month has passed on Monday since record-making, heavy rains stormed the northern part of the Noto Peninsula on a few days of the late September. Fourteen people have been confirmed killed by the disaster so far, and search activities have been
going on because there is a person who has not been accounted for. From 9 o'clock on Monday at Wajima City Office, the mayor Shigeru Sakaguchi and other officials offered a silent prayer 30 minutes for the disaster victims, which was shared with the residents through the disaster-preventive radio by the city government.
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