from today's Nikkei

2014年08月07日 10時42分13秒 | 新聞記事から
北米シェール1兆円融資 3メガ銀など 対日輸出弾み LNG船建造にも1兆円

According to sources familiar with the matter, a consortium of Japan's banks consisting of the three megabanks such as The bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Japan Bank for International Cooperation will finance as much as money of more than 1 trillion yen in total for the fuel energy business in the North America, in which the import of the shale gas will be expected in 2017.

They also lend the money of more than 1 trillion yen for building up of the liquified natural gas (LNG) ship used for the shale gas import to Japan.

As how to finance a huge amount of money will be in sight,the business of the shale gas import from the North America, which is vital for reducing electricity charges in Japan, wll surely get momentum.
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