from recent news in Japan

2024年10月25日 07時33分40秒 | 翻訳・通訳
衆院選終盤情勢について   与野党が過半数の攻防を展開中  自民が苦戦していて 選挙区での接戦が130超 立憲民主が大幅増になりそう 国民民主も躍進している

The Yomiuri Shimbun carried out an opinion poll in the period from the 22 to the 24 of the month in order to analyze the situation of the second half of the election for the House of Representatives, whose voting and ballot counting is to be held on the 27, finding out that intensified competition between the ruling and opposition parties are going on how to secure the majority of all the seats of 465. Close contests are going on in more than 130 constituencies across the country. When looking at them closely, the Liberal Democratic Party is having a hard time because of its funds-raising scandal, but the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is gaining momentum to increase its seats significantly, and Democratic Party For the People also seems to make good advance. But Japan Innovation Party remains stagnant in its strength.
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