ホンダ、光発電に本格参入 09年春までに販売店網整備 全国200店展開 省エネ製品 家庭に照準 東芝省電力のLED照明
Domestic manufactuers are advancing development and selling of their energy-saving household products.For example, Honda is going to participate in the sunlight power generation business on a full-fledged basis, with nationwide sales network for the business established by the spring in 2009.Another example is a Toshiba group, which has already started selling the LED(light-emitting diode) lighting product,which consume only one-seventh electric power of that in conventional incandescent lamps.In order to attain the Japan's goal set under the Kyoto Protocol, it is essential for the hosehold sector to reduce its emission of the greenhose-effect gases. In this circumstance, Japanese firms are struggling to find new burgeoning markets ,with a word of enegy-saving in mind.
Domestic manufactuers are advancing development and selling of their energy-saving household products.For example, Honda is going to participate in the sunlight power generation business on a full-fledged basis, with nationwide sales network for the business established by the spring in 2009.Another example is a Toshiba group, which has already started selling the LED(light-emitting diode) lighting product,which consume only one-seventh electric power of that in conventional incandescent lamps.In order to attain the Japan's goal set under the Kyoto Protocol, it is essential for the hosehold sector to reduce its emission of the greenhose-effect gases. In this circumstance, Japanese firms are struggling to find new burgeoning markets ,with a word of enegy-saving in mind.