from today's Nikkei

2007年07月16日 21時46分45秒 | 新聞記事から
ホンダ、光発電に本格参入 09年春までに販売店網整備 全国200店展開 省エネ製品 家庭に照準 東芝省電力のLED照明
Domestic manufactuers are advancing development and selling of their energy-saving household products.For example, Honda is going to participate in the sunlight power generation business on a full-fledged basis, with nationwide sales network for the business established by the spring in 2009.Another example is a Toshiba group, which has already started selling the LED(light-emitting diode) lighting product,which consume only one-seventh electric power of that in conventional incandescent lamps.In order to attain the Japan's goal set under the Kyoto Protocol, it is essential for the hosehold sector to reduce its emission of the greenhose-effect gases. In this circumstance, Japanese firms are struggling to find new burgeoning markets ,with a word of enegy-saving in mind.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月13日 09時27分00秒 | 新聞記事から
原子炉、環境配慮型開発へ 政府、東芝などと「核のごみ」4割減 600億円投資 2025年実用化めざす

The government intends to develop a new type of nuclear generation reactor,which is a so-called next generation type reactor and also eco-friendly and then could reduce emission of used neclear fuels by 40 %, in cooperation with private firms such as Toshiba or TEPCO(Tokyo Electricity Company).The money invested in the project would come to be 60 billion yen, and the reactor is expected to be in practical use from 2025.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月12日 13時52分09秒 | 新聞記事から
年金巡り与野党応酬 安倍首相「打てる対策実施」 小沢代表「基礎年金は税で」 参院選きょう公示
The 21th House of Councillors election kicks off today. Ahead of the election start, The Jpan Press Club hosted on Wednesday political party's leader discussion panel in Tokyo. Ruling bloc leaders and opposition bloc leaders sparred with each other over the issues such as SIA 's public pension blunders.Prime Minister Shinzo be said that the government will implement all necessary measures it can do so that we can go back on a normal track in terms with the pension issue.Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa said that basic portion of the pension benefit should be shouldered by tax,not by people's paying premiums.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月11日 14時23分55秒 | 新聞記事から
厚生年金支給へ特例法 保険料未納企業の従業員 厚生省方針 時効後でも徴収 徴収不能、見舞金も
The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has decided on Tuesday to submit to the next extraordinary Diet session scheduled to be convened this autumn the draft of a special law, by which those claiming to have paid their pension premiums but not eligible for receiving pension benifits because their employers have failed to transfer the funds collected from their employees to the government or somebodies in the process have embezzled the funds will be able to receive pension benifits.After the enactment of the law, the government can collect the funds from companies which failed to transfer their collected funds from their employees to the government neglecting the 2-year statute of limitations.If companies concerned are defunct,the government will come to be able to collect the money from the former executives of the companies.If a company is defunct and the former executives also are not identified, the former empoyees working the comapny receive some consolation money because they cannot be considered eligible for pension benefits.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年07月10日 16時33分32秒 | 新聞記事から
年金確認委 「確からしい」は原則支給 基本方針 週内にも判定開始 給与明細や雇用主証言も証拠に
The pension record confirmation outsider central committee,chaired by Takaeshi Kajitani,established under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,for examining whether the government should pay pension benifits to those who have claimed they have long payed their pension premiums but have had no evidences, has decided Monday on the basic satndards for the benifits to be paid. The committee decided so that when the claim of a person concernd is not definitely irrational and seems to be sure, the person should be,in general,included among the eligible pension benifit receivers. It also made sure what kind of materials will prove the evidence,showing that pay rolls or employers' witness could be sufficient for it.The government is going to start receiving people's claims acros the nation at its 50 designated locations within the week.
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