English follows
かたかなのなまえ Katakana’s name させぼじゃんぼたくしー Sasebo Jumbo taxi
1 さっき○○くんが 「いりえせんせいが じゃんくたくしーをよんでた!」っていってました!
あはは ようごきょうゆ
XX said “ Mis Irie called a Junk taxi!” just now! Ahaha Health teacher
2 あー、、、。だれもいないとおもってたらでんわしてるのきかれたかー。しかも○○くんに、、、。
OMG..I thought that no one there, but someone heard my phone call. Even worse it was XX… a rambunctious boy
3 ←らいげつ じっかにかえる Going back to hometown the next month
I will arrive at the airport at night, so I must reserve a taxi or I can’t go back to my home.
A person can’t too be careful in this world. I never know where and what someone is listening to.
4 しかもじゃんくたくしーってなんだよ、、、。じゃんぼたくしーなんだけどな!じゃんく?あはは
And furthermore what is Junk taxi? It’s Jumbo taxi! Junk? Ahaha