
I love mother nature,and life

ええ!?とおもったできごと Surprising event ぷろぐらみんぐきょうしつ Programming class

2024-12-26 06:00:00 | マンガ

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ええ!?とおもったできごと Surprising event   ぷろぐらみんぐきょうしつ Programming class

1 ぷろぐらみんぐはわたしたちのせいかつのなかでいろいろつかわれています。そして、、、。

Programming is used in our daily life. And then…


2 ちゅうがくせいのおとなになったらなりたいもの だんし いちい かいしゃいん

Occupation you want to have when you grow up   boys first place office worker

  にい ITえんじにあ ぷろぐらまー second place IT enginieer, programmer

  さんい こうむいん third place civil servant 

よんい げーむくりえいたー fourth place game creator



3 ぷろぐらみんぐにかんけいしたしごとが ちゅうがくせいの「なりたいもの」らんきんぐにもはいっています!

There are programming jobs in the ranking of “What junior high school students want to be in the future!



4  え!?にーとがはいってない!! What?! NEET  isn’t in the ranking!! 
	(Not in Education, Employment or Training, NEET)

にーとはしごとじゃないし、おかねもらえないからね。NEET isn’t a job nor can you get money.


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ざつだん ねずみとのら   A chatting        Mouse and stray cat

2024-12-25 06:00:00 | マンガ

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ざつだん ねずみとのら   A chatting        Mouse and stray cat

1 しょうてんがいで わ!ねずみ! On the shopping street      Oh! A mouse!


2 はなや   A flower shop

     きのう2かいもねずみみたんですよー!  いますよねー。

I saw a mouse twice a day yesterday! Yes, there are around, aren’t they? 


3 ねこかうしかないんですかねー。ねずみでないようにするには、、、。

   We have no choice but to get a cat. To keep mice out…


There were a lot of stray cats in the town long ago.



4 あののらがねー、なんてことないようでよくしりょくになってたんですよねー!

Those stray cats, they didn’t seem like much but, they were a deterrence against mice!


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おつかれさんのぜいたくランチ A rich lunch

2024-12-24 06:00:00 | グルメ

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I had a rich lunch, I spend such money for lunch, it was the first time in my life.



I wasn't intention to drink alchol but my friend drink so much, I drink alchol too.








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まちぶせ Machibuse

2024-12-23 06:00:00 | 日記

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My friend waited me without notice.

I was so surprised but very happy.

We went to Paul and took a dinner.


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赤い菊 red chrysanthemum

2024-12-22 06:00:00 | 日記

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The red chrysanthemum that my friend gave me, I seeded in a pot and it rooted and bloomed.

Red small chrysanthemum, they are pretty.

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