8月10日と11日に夏休みを取って富士山に登って来ました。 たったの2日間の休暇なのに12日に出社したら嫌になるほど仕事が溜まっていました。 有給休暇は年間40日もあるのに毎年その半分も消化できないので残念。
富士吉田の登山口5合目までの行き帰りはパスを使ったので同時通訳者小松達也著の「訳せそうで訳せない日本語」(Translating Tricky Japanese)を一冊読むことができました。 なかなか勉強になる本でした。 この本の特色の一つは同じ日本語の表現に対し、状況に応じて幾つもの英語の表現の例文を示していることで、さすがベテランの通訳者と感心しました。 以下にこの本に書かれている三つの日本語に対する英語表現を紹介します。
Politicians tend to go with public opinion.
I believe we are going to have a period of political stagnation where politicians try to accommodate the wish of the public.
The movie plays up to men's lowest instincts.
That magagine caters to popular tastes.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
It's wrong to cling to things that way.
He does't bother with the scoe at all.
You need not be concerned over a past mistake.
It is important to be uncompromising.
We are careful in selecting the materials for new products.
She is particular about how her meals are presented.
He is quite an epicurean.
Don't be afraid when you speak English. Take chances.
I was able to feel confident by thinking that it would be natural if I lost.
As Indonesia's economy worsens, President Suharto turns defiant, rejecting the West's advice.
Unless he is willing to withdraw this statement, he only sounds recalcitrant.
富士吉田の登山口5合目までの行き帰りはパスを使ったので同時通訳者小松達也著の「訳せそうで訳せない日本語」(Translating Tricky Japanese)を一冊読むことができました。 なかなか勉強になる本でした。 この本の特色の一つは同じ日本語の表現に対し、状況に応じて幾つもの英語の表現の例文を示していることで、さすがベテランの通訳者と感心しました。 以下にこの本に書かれている三つの日本語に対する英語表現を紹介します。
Politicians tend to go with public opinion.
I believe we are going to have a period of political stagnation where politicians try to accommodate the wish of the public.
The movie plays up to men's lowest instincts.
That magagine caters to popular tastes.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
It's wrong to cling to things that way.
He does't bother with the scoe at all.
You need not be concerned over a past mistake.
It is important to be uncompromising.
We are careful in selecting the materials for new products.
She is particular about how her meals are presented.
He is quite an epicurean.
Don't be afraid when you speak English. Take chances.
I was able to feel confident by thinking that it would be natural if I lost.
As Indonesia's economy worsens, President Suharto turns defiant, rejecting the West's advice.
Unless he is willing to withdraw this statement, he only sounds recalcitrant.