incendiary: この単語も何度も辞書を引いた記憶があるが中々覚えられない苦手な単語: 放火犯、 焼夷弾、発火装置、扇動者、アジテーターの意味で、次の例文のように形容詞としても使われます。
They made incendiary devices out of whatever was at hand.
Few figures are as incendiary as Bob.
a. Causing or capable of causing fire.
b. Of or containing chemicals that produce intensely hot fire when exploded: an incendiary bomb.
c. Of or involving arson.
2. Tending to inflame; inflammatory: an incendiary speech.
この意味と共に"incense"も見よとあったので、知っている単語の"incense"と関係があったのだと分かり、aha-experience( epiphany)、アハ体験です。念のためにincenseを今度はMerriam-Websterで確認しました。
1: material used to produce a fragrant odor when burned
2: the perfume exhaled from some spices and gums when burned; broadly : a pleasing scent
3: pleasing attention : flattery
1: to cause (a passion or emotion) to become aroused
2: to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of
3: to apply or offer incense to
4: to perfume with incense