The Virgin and the Gipsyの娘達は父親の他にGranny、Aunt Cissie達と一緒に牧師館に住んでいますが、余り仲は良くない様子です。
At home, she truly was irritable, and outrageously rude to Aunt Cissie. In fact, Yvette's awful temper became one of the family by-words.
Yvetteは二人姉妹の若い方の女性です。 "the family by-words" の表現の意味を調べます。
・ a) a word or phrase associated with some person or thing; a characteristic expression, typical greeting, or the like.; b) an object of general reproach, derision, scorn, etc.: His crimes will make him a byword through the ages.
"by-word" を見出しに挙げている辞書は上記の辞書の他はほとんどなかったのですが、"byword" で調べ直すとほとんどの辞書に説明がありました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: if someone or something is a byword for a particular quality, they have a strong reputation for that quality: The city is a byword for intolerance.
・Collins English Dictionary: an object of scorn or derision: Even the annual party conference, which was once a byword for internecine strife is now just a stage-managed rally.
・American Heritage Dictionary: An object of notoriety or interest: The eccentric poet was a byword in literary circles.
"the family by-words" に "one of " とついている理由が分かりました。 この小説ではGrannyもAunt Cissieも余り性格が良い感じではありません。
At home, she truly was irritable, and outrageously rude to Aunt Cissie. In fact, Yvette's awful temper became one of the family by-words.
Yvetteは二人姉妹の若い方の女性です。 "the family by-words" の表現の意味を調べます。
・ a) a word or phrase associated with some person or thing; a characteristic expression, typical greeting, or the like.; b) an object of general reproach, derision, scorn, etc.: His crimes will make him a byword through the ages.
"by-word" を見出しに挙げている辞書は上記の辞書の他はほとんどなかったのですが、"byword" で調べ直すとほとんどの辞書に説明がありました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: if someone or something is a byword for a particular quality, they have a strong reputation for that quality: The city is a byword for intolerance.
・Collins English Dictionary: an object of scorn or derision: Even the annual party conference, which was once a byword for internecine strife is now just a stage-managed rally.
・American Heritage Dictionary: An object of notoriety or interest: The eccentric poet was a byword in literary circles.
"the family by-words" に "one of " とついている理由が分かりました。 この小説ではGrannyもAunt Cissieも余り性格が良い感じではありません。