English Collection


do the large

2012年03月19日 | 英語学習

さて月曜日になったのでいつもの様に英語の勉強を始めます。The Virgin and the Gipsy の姉妹のいる教会で、戦争で亡くなった人たちを慰霊するステンドグラスの為の募金をしましたがその募金の一部を下の娘の Yvette がくすねてしまい大騒ぎになりました。
Even the rector was rather severe. "If you needed money, why didn't you tell me?" he said coldly. "Have you ever been refused anything in reason?"
"I--I thought it didn't matter," stammered Yvette.
"And what have you done with the money?"
"I suppose I've spent it," said Yvette, with wide, distraught eyes and a peaked face.
"Spent it, on what?"
"I can't remember everything: stockings and things, and I gave some of it away."
Poor Yvette! Her lordly airs and ways were already hitting back at her, on the reflex. The rector was angry: his face had a snarling, doggish look, a sort of sneer. He was afraid his daughter was developing some of the rank, tainted qualities of She-who-was-Cynthia.
"<B>You would do the large</B> with somebody else's money, wouldn't you?" he said, with a cold, mongrel sort of sneer, which showed what an utter unbeliever he was, at the heart.
"She-who-was-Cynthia" 牧師の姉妹が幼い頃に、若い男と駆け落ちして家を出た母親の事で、この表現は話の始めの頃に次のように初めて出て来ました。
Now, thank heaven, having married again, she was no more Mrs. Arthur Saywell. No woman bore the rector's name. The pure white snow-flower bloomed in perpetuum, without nomenclature. The family even thought of her as She-who-was-Cynthia.
私が気にする表現は "She-who-was-Cynthia" ではなく、引用文の最後に出てきた "<B>You would do the large</B>" です。 文脈と "at large" の表現から、この個所は「勝手に気ままに使う」と言う様な意味だろうと推測できますが、辞書で同じ様な文例を探します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: obsolete : lavish
・Dictionary.com: Obsolete . generosity; bounty.
どうもこの表現は古い様です。ちなみにThe Virgin and the Gipsyは1926年に書かれ、出版されたのは1930年でした。

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