Another physician, Dr. Robin M. Joyce, checks in on me and likens the transplant process to a marathon. I will eventually start to feel better, she says, by Day 10. There's a greaseboard on the wall of my room and I make a calendar.
"greaseboard" はメモを書く為のボードの様ですが辞書で確認します。
・Wiktionary: A whiteboard. Its outdated technology is obvious in the emergency room, where patients are tracked not by computer but by hand on a greaseboard and on forms passed from tray to tray.
"whiteboard" と同じ物と上記辞書に書いてありましたが、不思議な事に他の辞書でこの単語を載せているのは見あたりません。 そこでGoogleで調べて見ると次ぎのような記述があちこちにありました。
*White Board: These whiteboard (also known by the terms markerboard, dry-erase board, dry-wipe board, pen-board & the misnomer greaseboard) is a name for any glossy, usually white surface for nonpermanent markings.
*White boards use erasable markers, whereas grease boards use grease pencils. White boards can be erased with a chalk brush or sponge, but grease boards need a little more work to clean them - usually with a soapy sponge and drying towel
どうも "whiteboard" の前に "greaseboard" があったのだが、簡単に消せる "whiteboard" に置き換えられたのに、未だに "whiteboard" とすべきところを "greaseboard" と言う人がいるということでしょうか?