NUDGE by R. H.Thaler and C. R. Susteinに書かれている内容はいちいちもっとな事だと思います。
One reason why people expand so much effort conforming to social norms and fashions is that they think that others are closely paying attention to what they are doing. If you wear a suit to a social event where everyone else has gone casual, you feel like everyone is looking at you funny and wondering why you are such a geek. If you are subject to such fears, here is a possibly comforting thought they aren't really paying as much attention to you as you think.
Tom Gilovich and his colleagues have demonstrated that people fall prey to what he calls the "spotlight effect." In a typical experiment, Gilovich's team started by doing some research about which entertainer would be most unhip to display on the front of a T-shirt.
上の文に出てきた "unhip" は以前どこかで見掛けた単語ですが、取り上げた記録は無い様なので今日覚える単語にします。早速辞書の説明を見ます。
・Collins English Dictionary: slang not at all fashionable or up to date ⇒ my terminally unhip parents: Seventeen Days is another helping of resolutely unhip meat-and-potatoes rock.
・ ill-informed about or unsympathetic to current fads or trends.