English Collection



2014年05月16日 | 英語学習
The Red Notebookから著者が少年の頃に行ったハイキングの思い出の個所の引用です。
The lightning was what scared us, of course. It would have been stupid not to be scared, and in our panic we tried to run away from it. But the storm was too big, and everywhere we went we were met by more lightning. It was a helter-skelter stampede, a headlong rush in circles.
"helter-skelter" は初めて見る表現ですが、その後に "stampede" があるので、雷が怖いので慌てて逃げ出している様子を示していると想像できます。辞書で "helter-skelter" を確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: In disorderly haste or confusion: ‘hurtling helter-skelter down the pavement’
・Collins Dictionary: haphazard or carelessly hurried: Enormous sandstone rocks were piled up, helter-skelter, to the height of a big hill.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: quickly and in all directions: People were screaming and running helter-skelter down the steps to escape the flames.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: if you do something helter-skelter, you do it very quickly and without organization We all ran helter-skelter down the stairs as soon as the alarm sounded.
"helter-skelter" は慌てずに文脈を考えると意味が分かる表現です。
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