Net Forceを読んでいますが、今日も慣用句の勉強です。
And he vanished, or seemed to. The spotlight over his chair went out, and nothing remained in the darkness but Roddy's laughter. Finally it faded....
And the message deleted itself.
Alain sat there, frozen with fear at first--that was what made him most ashamed--and then with growing anger.
The little sonofabitch.
He set me up.
He set me up!!
And I don't even know how--!
"set me up" は口語的な慣用句ですね。意味を調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: informal to arrange a situation so that someone is for doing something, especially something illegal: She claims she's innocent and someone set her up.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to lead-by deception-a person to play a particular role in an event; to arrange an event-usually by deception-so that a specific person suffers the consequences for the event; to frame someone. (See also set someone up (as something).) I had nothing to do with the robbery! I was just standing there. Somebody must have set me up! John isn't the one who started the fight. Somebody set up the poor guy.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to trick someone into a situation in which it appears they have done something wrong She denied using drugs and claimed she had been set up by the police.
And he vanished, or seemed to. The spotlight over his chair went out, and nothing remained in the darkness but Roddy's laughter. Finally it faded....
And the message deleted itself.
Alain sat there, frozen with fear at first--that was what made him most ashamed--and then with growing anger.
The little sonofabitch.
He set me up.
He set me up!!
And I don't even know how--!
"set me up" は口語的な慣用句ですね。意味を調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: informal to arrange a situation so that someone is for doing something, especially something illegal: She claims she's innocent and someone set her up.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to lead-by deception-a person to play a particular role in an event; to arrange an event-usually by deception-so that a specific person suffers the consequences for the event; to frame someone. (See also set someone up (as something).) I had nothing to do with the robbery! I was just standing there. Somebody must have set me up! John isn't the one who started the fight. Somebody set up the poor guy.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to trick someone into a situation in which it appears they have done something wrong She denied using drugs and claimed she had been set up by the police.