今は短編集The Shell Collectionの中の短編The Caretakerを読んでいます。
Twenty times he is stopped and harassed; at makeshift checkpoints soldiers press the muzzles of rifles into his chest and ask if he is Liberian, if he is a Krahn, why he is not helping them fight the Krahns. Before they let him go they spit on his shirt. He hears that a band of guerillas wearing Donald Duck masks has begun eating the organs of its enemies; he hears about terrorists in football cleats trampling the bellies of pregnant women.
"football cleats" の "cleat" はロープを括りつける為の船についているT字型の金具(大昔ヨットに乗っていた頃に覚えた)あるいは9/9/2013に取り上げた "belay" の説明文 "fix (a running rope) round a cleat, rock, pin, or other object, to secure it" に出てきた金具はいずれもロープと関係がありますが、この "cleat" はロープとは関係が無さそうです。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (cleats) North American Athletic shoes with a cleated sole, typically used when playing football.: He shows no signs of slowing down at the age of 35, when most players have traded their cleats for slippers or golf spikes.
・Vocabulary: a metal or leather projection (as from the sole of a shoe); prevents slipping: A soccer store in suburban Dallas donated cleats to players with worn-out footwear.
"cleats" はサッカーシューズの底についているスパイク(少なくとも日本ではラグビーシューズや野球のシューズでもスパイクと呼ばれていると思う)と同じですね。