The CaretakerのJosephは仕事をさぼっていたので雇主のTwymanはカンカンに怒っています。
There is shouting in the main house. He watches Twyman stride across the lawn.
Cowboy boots thud upon the stairs. Already Twyman is bellowing.
"The roof? The floors are flooded! The walls are buckling! The mower's rusted to hell!"
Joseph wipes his glasses with his fingers. "I know," he says. "It is not good."
"buckling" の元の動詞は "buckle" で、そうなるとシートベルトしか思い浮かべませんが、この "buckling" は何でしょう? "buckle" で辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Bend and give way under pressure or strain: the earth buckled under the titanic stress: Bend (something) out of shape: a giant oak buckles the sidewalk
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to bend something or become bent, often as a result of force, heat, or weakness: The intense heat from the fire had caused the factory roof to buckle.
"buckle" にはこういう意味もあるのですね。