Reader's Digest 10月号のMOVIE DIGESTからの抜粋です。
With cameos from comedy heavyweights Neil Patrick Harris and Sarah Silverman, this movie is wall-to-wall crass humour and good ol' comedic relief.
上の抜粋個所に出てきた "cameos" は別の映画の記事にも次の様に使われています。(こちらは単数形で)
Charlie Sheen stayed awake for 48 hours to achieve a realistic wasted look for his B>cameo as a drugged-up felon in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
"cameo" を辞書で調べると映画に関係する次の二つの意味がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary:
a) A short descriptive literary sketch that neatly encapsulates someone or something: cameos of street life
b) A small character part in a play or movie, played by a distinguished actor or a celebrity: [as modifier]: he played numerous cameo roles
・Collins Dictionary:
a) a short literary work or dramatic sketch
b) a single and often brief dramatic scene played by a well-known actor or actress in a film or television play
上の引用文で使われている "cameo" はいずれも有名な俳優(私は知りませんが)がチョイ役で出ている意味で使われているのでしょう。
Note: "crass" (without refinement, delicacy, or sensitivity; gross; obtuse; stupid) は6/6/2008に取り上げた単語です。
With cameos from comedy heavyweights Neil Patrick Harris and Sarah Silverman, this movie is wall-to-wall crass humour and good ol' comedic relief.
上の抜粋個所に出てきた "cameos" は別の映画の記事にも次の様に使われています。(こちらは単数形で)
Charlie Sheen stayed awake for 48 hours to achieve a realistic wasted look for his B>cameo as a drugged-up felon in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
"cameo" を辞書で調べると映画に関係する次の二つの意味がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary:
a) A short descriptive literary sketch that neatly encapsulates someone or something: cameos of street life
b) A small character part in a play or movie, played by a distinguished actor or a celebrity: [as modifier]: he played numerous cameo roles
・Collins Dictionary:
a) a short literary work or dramatic sketch
b) a single and often brief dramatic scene played by a well-known actor or actress in a film or television play
上の引用文で使われている "cameo" はいずれも有名な俳優(私は知りませんが)がチョイ役で出ている意味で使われているのでしょう。
Note: "crass" (without refinement, delicacy, or sensitivity; gross; obtuse; stupid) は6/6/2008に取り上げた単語です。