English Collection



2015年03月01日 | 英語の本を読む

White Fangの新しい飼い主の父親は裁判官で、そのJudge Scottにより判決を下された男が脱獄し、 どうやら事件を起こす様子です。
For once, Jim Hall was right. He was innocent of the crime for which he was sentenced. It was a case, in the parlance of thieves and police, of "railroading." Jim Hall was being "railroaded" to prison for a crime he had not committed. Because of the two prior convictions against him, Judge Scott imposed upon him a sentence of fifty years.
上に出てきた "railroading/railroaded" は前に取り上げている(1/12/2011)単語ですね(politicians railroaded the consumption tax)。再度辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: North American Send (someone) to prison without a fair trial or by means of false evidence.
・Dictionary.com: Informal. to convict (a person) in a hasty manner by means of false charges or insufficient evidence: The prisoner insisted he had been railroaded.
前回とりあげた時は、与党による議会での強行採決などで使われる "railroading/railroaded" でしたが、今回は冤罪に至る裁判での例でした。

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