Calico Joeから取り上げる最後の表現です。
We laugh because we are expected to. Marv's not much of a speaker, and I get the impression he drew the short straw. I can just see these old goats sitting around the men's grill, playing gin rummy, arguing about who will speak at whose funeral. "Okay, you do Warren, and I'll do yours, and Fred'll do mine."
"drew the short straw" は文脈からするとババを引いた意味の様ですが、どうでしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Be the unluckiest of a group of people, especially in being chosen to perform an unpleasant task.: He drew the short straw when we ran out of room in the shelter.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to be the member of a group who has to do an unpleasant job Sorry, Jim, you drew the short straw. You're on toilet-cleaning duty.
Calico Joeを読み終えました。故意にビーンボールを投げた死ぬ前についに告白し謝ったWarrenをJoeは許す個所は感動ものでした。