Jennifer WeinerのFly Away Homeを読んでいます。
The doors slid open on the tenth floor. Sylvie stepped into their apartment, her heels clicking on the floors, seeing it as if for the first time and realizing that she’d created, over the years, a version of those fancy hotel rooms in which she and Richard stayed. Everything was correct, everything was attractive, everything was in its place and as it should have been, from the green-and-ivory botanical prints over the fireplace to the carved teak elephant (“Quirky!” her decorator had said. “Whimsical!”) in the center of the dining room table. She might have liked that elephant, with its sturdy legs and upraised trunk, if she and Richard had stumbled across it in some faraway flea market, or if one of her daughters had given it to them as a misbegotten anniversary gift, but now it was all she could do not to send it smashing to the floor.
"misbegotten" の意味は分かりそうで分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Badly conceived, designed, or planned.: a misbegotten journey to Indianapolis
・Cambridge English Dictionary: badly or stupidly planned or designed: a misbegotten belief/idea; misbegotten social and economic policies
The doors slid open on the tenth floor. Sylvie stepped into their apartment, her heels clicking on the floors, seeing it as if for the first time and realizing that she’d created, over the years, a version of those fancy hotel rooms in which she and Richard stayed. Everything was correct, everything was attractive, everything was in its place and as it should have been, from the green-and-ivory botanical prints over the fireplace to the carved teak elephant (“Quirky!” her decorator had said. “Whimsical!”) in the center of the dining room table. She might have liked that elephant, with its sturdy legs and upraised trunk, if she and Richard had stumbled across it in some faraway flea market, or if one of her daughters had given it to them as a misbegotten anniversary gift, but now it was all she could do not to send it smashing to the floor.
"misbegotten" の意味は分かりそうで分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Badly conceived, designed, or planned.: a misbegotten journey to Indianapolis
・Cambridge English Dictionary: badly or stupidly planned or designed: a misbegotten belief/idea; misbegotten social and economic policies