English Collection


splinter group

2017年10月06日 | 英語の本を読む
私の好きな作家、Kazuo Ishiguro氏のノーベル文学賞受賞が決まり、今日はとても気分がいいです。
The Japan Times Sept.13の記事の抜粋です。
Bodyguard shot dead in apparent Kobe yakuza feud
A man believed to be a bodyguard of the head of a yakuza splinter group linked to the largest crime syndicate in the country was shot dead during a violent ambush Tuesday in Kobe, police said.
"l" と "r" の区別が苦手な私は "splinter" で "sprinter" の意味が頭に浮かび、逃げ足の早いヤクザを想像しましたが、それはどうも可笑しいので辞書を見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a group of people who have left a political party or other organization and formed a new separate organization: The Socialist Workers' Party seemed to split into several splinter group.
・Macmillan Dictionary: used for describing a group that has separated from a larger group, usually because of a disagreement: a splinter group/movement/party/faction
"splinter group" はヤクザだけではなく、政党、宗派等々でよくありますね。やはり逃げ足も速い連中が "splinter group" を作るような気がするのは気のせいでしょうか?
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