English Collection


sue the socks off

2017年10月24日 | 英語の本を読む

Jennifer WeinerのFly Away Homeを読んでいます。
She ignored Joe and hit Richard twice more, once on the left side, once on the right. There was no satisfaction in it other than the sound, the meaty slap of her palm against his ear and cheek, the cheek she’d cupped, the ear into which she’d whispered I love you and deeper and the names of their daughters, just after they were born. “You bastard!” she cried, and let her hands drop to her sides. She’d spoken her lines, she’d hit him. What now? Screaming? Throwing things? Telling him that she’d sue the socks off him, that she’d go first to a divorce lawyer and then to 60 Minutes, that he was disgusting and a disgrace and a cliche, no better than the other cheating politicians, or that golfer, that fine upstanding young man she’d met at a White House luncheon for the Leaders of Tomorrow who’d turned out to have a dozen different girlfriends, porn stars and pancake-house waitresses and club promoters, whatever they were?
"sue the socks off him" の個所の意味が分かりません。
色々と辞書を見ましたが "sue the socks off" の説明をしている辞書は見当たりませんでした。しかし、"sue" 以外の次の動詞を使った慣用句 "~ the socks off" は次の様に色々とあります。
"knock the socks off"
・Oxford English Dictionary: Surpass or beat.: 'it will knock the socks off the opposition’
"blow the socks off"
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To thoroughly impress, overwhelm, or excite one. Primarily heard in UK. The show of support from everyone just blew my socks off. That movie really blew my socks off?I didn't expect it to be so good!
"beat the socks off (of) (someone)"
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: slang To defeat an opponent decisively. Despite using the word "socks," this phrase does not involve literally stripping off someone's clothes. The final score was 17-1? Wow, we really beat the socks off that team!
しかしGoogle検索をすると、 "sue the socks off" を使った例文は幾らでもあります。 例えば次の文です。
・While it is satisfying to sue the socks off an opponent, taking a dispute to court is risky business.
・I'm sure that Tesla Motors would sue the socks off anyone who copied their technology to use in a gasoline hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle.
・However, under the "Right to be free from discrimination", I read that people can sue the socks off "places of public accommodation" over this kind of stuff.
これらの例から "sue the socks off" は裁判に訴えてやつける様な意味ではないでしょうか。

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