English Collection


who's going to bat an eye

2018年05月02日 | 英単語
Miyuki Manabeの「火車」All She Was Worthを読んでいます。
"I doubt it," Honma remarked dryly. "If no trace of a man shows up, you've got to consider the possibility of a woman accomplice. Somebody from her office days. Someone she could approach about going into business together once they'd dealt with this overbearing husband of hers. Think about it. Two women getting together and talking: who's going to bat an eye? And if they worked as a team, they could stab a man to death, no prpblem. How about running a MO on that.
今日取り上げる表現 "bat an eye" も過去に何度か辞書を引いた覚えがありますが、上の文章を読んでも意味が直ぐには分かりません。仕方がないので辞書を見ます。
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To display a subtle emotional reaction, such as consternation, annoyance, sadness, joy, etc. Generally used in the negative to denote that the person in question did not display even a hint of an emotional response. Mary didn't even bat an eye when I told her I was moving out. That guy is dangerous.
OneLookを "bat an eye" で検索しても上の辞書しか出てきませんでしたが、この辞書が説明している様に、普通は否定形で使われるとあるので "not bat an eye" で調べると他の辞書にも説明がありました。
・Oxford Dictionary: informal Show (or showing) no surprise or concern.: he read it without batting an eyelash
・COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary: When something surprising or shocking happens, if someone doesn't bat an eyelid in British English, or doesn't bat an eye in American English, they remain calm and do not show any reaction.
なるほど、すると " who's going to bat an eye?" は誰も驚かない、不思議に思わないとの意味ですね。
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