English Collection



2018年07月05日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 5月号の記事 'The Night I Joined the Cajun Navy' からの引用です。
And thank God for the Cajun Navy and all the other volunteers. How many more people would be dead today if not for our first responders and the thousands of volunteers? I saw a meme on Facebook today that read, "Someone needs to erect a statue honoring the random average dude with a bass boat."
"meme" はやはりReader's Digestの2012年2月号の単語クイズに出ていた単語ですが、そのクイズの回答は:"meme": idea or trait that spreads within a culture.であり、今回の記事の意味とは違う様です。再度辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.: The "news" was often flippant, being about internet memes and strange events, and the "newscaster" was flippant, too.
・Collins Dictionary: A meme is something such as a video, picture, or phrase that a lot of people send to each other on the internet.: The image quickly became a meme.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the internet: Take a look at the top ten internet memes for this past year.
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