English Collection


pen pusher

2018年07月12日 | 英単語
Miyuki MiyabeのShadow Familyを読んでいます。
There were seven squads in the First Criminal Investigation Division of the MPD, each with its own desk chief. Of the seven pen-pusher, Takegami ranked second in age and length of service.
"pen-pusher" は文脈からして、内勤の警察官あるいは事務員と思われますが、辞書で意味を確認します。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: someone who has an office job that is not very interesting or important and involves a lot of paperwork: The ad made the job sound exciting but I'm just a glorified pen pusher.
上記の辞書でも例文は "pen-pusher" ではなく、ハイフンの無い二語の "pencil pusher" でしたし、他の辞書でもほとんど "pencil pusher" 項目を設けています。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A person with a clerical job involving a lot of tedious and repetitive paperwork.: no way he was going to let those pencil pushers from accounting pity him
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