English Collection



2019年09月30日 | 英語の原書を読む
松本清張の短編小説集 "The Voice and other stories" を読み始めました。
最初に取り上げる単語は "hack" で、二つの作品に出てきましたが、同じ意味ではない様です。
初めに出てきたのは THE FACE の次の個所です。
Inadvertently this must have showed in my face. Y. patted me on the shoulder.
"It'll be all right. Unlike plays, movies are made up of lots of small scenes--hack acting. It's nothing to get nervous about," he encouraged.
この "hack acting" は細切れの演技/芝居の意味だと思いますが、次の小説 THE SERIAL(新聞の連続小説の意味)に出てきた "hack" の意味は推測できません。
Ryouji Sugimoto, who had seemed like a good-natured hack novelist, suddenly began to take on a new and sinister light in Yoshiko's eyes.
"hack novelist" これも細切れの小説を書く作家だからこう呼ばれるのでしょうか?

・Oxford English Dictionary: A writer or journalist producing dull, unoriginal work.: Sunday newspaper hacks earn their livings on such gullibilities’

・Wikitionary: A person, often a journalist, hired to do routine work.: I got by on hack work for years before I finally published my novel.
・Infoplease: a writer who works on the staff of a publisher at a dull or routine task; someone who works as a literary drudge: He was one among the many hacks on Grub Street.
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