Somerset Maugham の短編小説 Redを読んでいます。
"Well, when Red came to the island it had recently been visited by one of those epidemics which the white man has brought to the South Seas, and one third of the inhabitants had died. It seems that the girl had lost all her near kin and she lived now in the house of distant cousins. The household consisted of two ancient crones, bowed and wrinkled, two younger women, and a man and a boy.
"crones" でクローン人間を連想したのですが、そんな人間がこんな話に出てくるはずはありません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An old woman who is thin and ugly.: I would not give them to that old crone, despite what she promises you in return.
・Collins Dictionary: A crone is an insulting word for an old woman.: On it, curled up on a patchwork quilt, was an elderly crone in the foetal position.
日本語で言うと婆でしょうか? 婆も確かにやたらには使えない言葉ですね。
クローン人間のクローンは "clone" ですね。rとlの区別は相変わらず苦手です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An organism or cell, or group of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical.: In plants, large genomic DNA clones from one species were mapped by FISH on chromosomes from related species.
"Well, when Red came to the island it had recently been visited by one of those epidemics which the white man has brought to the South Seas, and one third of the inhabitants had died. It seems that the girl had lost all her near kin and she lived now in the house of distant cousins. The household consisted of two ancient crones, bowed and wrinkled, two younger women, and a man and a boy.
"crones" でクローン人間を連想したのですが、そんな人間がこんな話に出てくるはずはありません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An old woman who is thin and ugly.: I would not give them to that old crone, despite what she promises you in return.
・Collins Dictionary: A crone is an insulting word for an old woman.: On it, curled up on a patchwork quilt, was an elderly crone in the foetal position.
日本語で言うと婆でしょうか? 婆も確かにやたらには使えない言葉ですね。
クローン人間のクローンは "clone" ですね。rとlの区別は相変わらず苦手です。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An organism or cell, or group of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical.: In plants, large genomic DNA clones from one species were mapped by FISH on chromosomes from related species.