English Collection



2020年03月19日 | 英語の原書を読む
Edward O. Wilsonの "The Creation" を読んでいます。
Around 1518, a plague of ants irrupted at the fledgling Spanish colony on Hispaniola. The event waqs witnessed by Fray Bartolome de Las Casas, exacting chronicler of Columbian America ("who promises before the divine work that everything said and reffered to is the truth") and defender of the Caribbean Indians
"irrupted" は文脈からすると「大発生した」の意味だと推測できますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of a bird or other animal) migrate into an area in abnormally large numbers.:But climate change, restoration, biotechnology, and irrupting species have forced ecologists to consider what was, in order to imagine what ought to be.

・Collins Dictionary: (of a plant or animal population) to enter a region suddenly and in very large numbers
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