English Collection


ladies and gentlemen

2020年03月05日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 12/1月合併号の記事 'Mind Your Manners' からの引用です。
Q: Can you still address a group as "ladies and gentlemen"? It seems like that might be misconstrued nowadays.
A: I read that announcements on the London Tube now begin with "Hello, everyone." Management says that this new language is more welcoming than "ladies and gentlemem," which they say "belongs to yesterday." These days, "ladies" are more apt to prefer being called women and "gentlemen," men. The beauty of "Hello, everyone" is that it speaks to all of us, including men, women, and those who identify as gender-fluid or nonbinary.

引用文の最後に出てきた "nonbinary" は先日(1/29/2020)取り上げたばかりですね。
・Collins Dictionary: relating to a gender or sexual identity that does not belong to the binary categories of male or female, heterosexual or homosexual

それにしても昔習った(使ったことはありませんが)スピーチを始める前の決まり文句 "ladies and gentlemen" が今や "politically correct" では無いとは!
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