English Collection


shoring up

2020年05月26日 | 英単語
緊急事態宣言が解除されました。 私も昨日から通常勤務に戻りました。
The Japan Times Online April 20の記事からの引用です。
Tokyo is likely to place a top priority on shoring up the nation’s virus-hit economy for an extended period, which would make it more difficult for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to promote free trade agreements including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
"shoring up" は初めて見る表現ではないようですが、意味を覚えていないので辞書を見ます。
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To give someone or something robust support in the face of difficulty or to prevent potential failure. A noun or pronoun can be used between "shore" and "up.": Workers are trying to shore up the levee to prevent a failure.

・Wiktionary: To reinforce or strengthen (something at risk of failure).: They hastened outside between storms to shore up the damaged fence.

"shore" に元々支柱、支柱で支える意味があるのですね。
俗語辞典のUrban Dictionaryに "shore up" について次のような面白い説明がありました。

a phrase that republican politicians use when they don't know what they are talking about, or are trying to sound important. Possibly coined by John McCain or Sarah Palin.
Couric: What specifically do we need to do to save the economy?

Palin: We need to shore up the economy, and reign in spending also.
新聞記事の筆者はUrban Dictionaryのこの定義を念頭に "shoring up" を使ったのでしょうか?
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