English Collection


in the hurt locker

2020年06月20日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 4月号の記事 'Why Are Military Families on Food Stamps' からの引用です。
"I found it embarrassing," she admits. "I felt like, you should be able to provide for your family and not lean on anybody else. That's what you're supposed to do as an adult." It was especially difficult when she was a junior sailor and the pay was lower. "If you didn't have enough money saved up, you were definitely in the hurt locker."
最後に出てきた "in the hurt locker" は文脈からすると、生活の困窮していることを意味していますが、辞書にこの表現の説明があるでしょうか?
(US, slang) A state of severe physical or emotional injury.
・Urban Dictionary: According to the writer-producer Mark Boal "hurt locker” is a military slang that means “a bad and painful place.” He said during an interview that “EOD soldiers use it as a form of poetic understatement: If an improvised explosive device, or IED, goes off while you're trying to disarm it, the ‘hurt locker’ is likely to mean a white box draped in a flag and shipped home with full military honors.”: He won't go back home, but the hurt locker.
(Note: Explosive Ordinance Disposal: The military bomb squad responsable for removing and destroying munitions and other explosive, biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons.)
"hurt locker”は元々軍人のスラングですが、Mark Boal原作の映画、The Hurt Locker(2008年)、で一般にも使われるようになった様だ。
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