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2020年06月22日 | 英単語
The Japan Times Online June 8, 2020の記事 'As Trump blames antifa for unrest, protest records offer scant evidence' に出てきた "antifa" が分かりませんが、記事の本文を読むと "antifa" を説明する箇所がありました。。

The president has tried to portray the protesters and looters with a broad brush as “radical-left, bad people,” ominously invoking the name “antifa,” an umbrella term for leftist militants bound more by belief than organizational structure. Trump tweeted last Sunday that he planned to designate antifa as a terrorist organization.
トランプ大統領は "antifa" を "radical-left" の意味で使っているようです。
辞書での "antifa" の説明を見ます。

・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: an anti-fascist movement: Antifa is the backlash to the backlash, a defensive response to the growing presence of right-wing extremism.
・Urban Dictionary: Fascist Anti-Fascists. They fight against "fascists" while being fascist themselves. They will destroy your property if you disagree with them.
Me: I like Trump

Antifa: Fascist! I'm going to beat you up and burn down your car!
どうやら "antifa" はファッシズムに対する反動、 "anti-fascist movement" に対する反動勢力ですが、"radical-left" でもあり "radical-right" でもある。また、ファシストと戦う人たちでもあり、自身がファシストでもある、いずれにせよ厄介な連中を指すようだ。
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