ブログに取り上げる英語は通勤途上、昼休み、勤務前にカフェで、つまり仕事のある日だけ昼間に読む本からとりあげています。しかし、仕事のない日はほとんど日中は本を読みません。但し、夜寝る前にベッドで昼間読む本とは別の本を読んでいます。夜読む本は月刊誌のEnglish Journalを除き、日本語で書かれた本です。最近読んだ「辞書のすきま すきまの辞書」(清水 由美著)はユーモアにあふれ、大変面白く、興味の沸く内容でした。「イメージは妄想です」と題されたトピックは広告の下に書かれていることの多い「写真はイメージです」を取り上げているのですが、その中に出てきた英文:
The rendering of the completed project is based on the design drawings.
この "rendering" が気になったので辞書の説明を見ることにしました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A work of visual art, especially a detailed architectural drawing.: a consummately lifelike three-dimensional rendering of a building interior
Computing: The processing of an outline image using color and shading to make it appear solid and three-dimensional.: For professional usage, when time is money, using a dual core CPU for 3D rendering is a must.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the way that something is performed, written, drawn, etc.: Her rendering of the song was delightful.
・Vocabulary.com: Anything that's been interpreted in an artistic form is a rendering — a song, a drawing, a theatrical performance.
On a more technical note, an architect's drawing or plan is known as a rendering. While we're still architect-related, the coat of stucco placed over the surface of a masonry wall can be a rendering as well. Rendering can also represent the giving of something, as in Gandhi's famous quote, that "We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party." Don't associate rendering with the verb rend — which means quite the opposite — "to break apart or destroy."
なるほど、"interpreted in an artistic form is a rendering"、こんな意味もあるので私にはピンとこない時もあるのですね。
The rendering of the completed project is based on the design drawings.
この "rendering" が気になったので辞書の説明を見ることにしました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A work of visual art, especially a detailed architectural drawing.: a consummately lifelike three-dimensional rendering of a building interior
Computing: The processing of an outline image using color and shading to make it appear solid and three-dimensional.: For professional usage, when time is money, using a dual core CPU for 3D rendering is a must.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the way that something is performed, written, drawn, etc.: Her rendering of the song was delightful.
・Vocabulary.com: Anything that's been interpreted in an artistic form is a rendering — a song, a drawing, a theatrical performance.
On a more technical note, an architect's drawing or plan is known as a rendering. While we're still architect-related, the coat of stucco placed over the surface of a masonry wall can be a rendering as well. Rendering can also represent the giving of something, as in Gandhi's famous quote, that "We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party." Don't associate rendering with the verb rend — which means quite the opposite — "to break apart or destroy."
なるほど、"interpreted in an artistic form is a rendering"、こんな意味もあるので私にはピンとこない時もあるのですね。