Isabella Birdの "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan" を読み終えました。 地元の図書館でKazuo Ishiguroの "Klara and the sun" を予約していますが、予約順の番号が13番なので、当分、恐らく一年先まで借りられそうにありません。とりあえず、'Getting to YES' by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Rruce Pattonを借りて読み始めました。
Face-saving: Make your proposals consistent with their values. In the English language, "face-saving" carries a derogatory flavor. People say, "We are doing that just to let them save face," implying that a little pretense has been created to allow someone to go along without feeling badly. The tone implies ridicle.
"face-saving" は日本語で言う「顔を立てる」とか「面目を保つ」意味なのは辞書を見なくても推測できますが、一応辞書でどの様な説明をしているか見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The preserving of one's reputation, credibility, or dignity.: a face-saving solution for both sides
・Collins English Dictionary: A face-saving action is one which prevents damage to your reputation or the loss of people's respect for you.: The decision is a face-saving compromise which will allow the government to remain in office.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: done so that other people will continue to respect you: a face-saving exercise/gesture
Face-saving: Make your proposals consistent with their values. In the English language, "face-saving" carries a derogatory flavor. People say, "We are doing that just to let them save face," implying that a little pretense has been created to allow someone to go along without feeling badly. The tone implies ridicle.
"face-saving" は日本語で言う「顔を立てる」とか「面目を保つ」意味なのは辞書を見なくても推測できますが、一応辞書でどの様な説明をしているか見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: The preserving of one's reputation, credibility, or dignity.: a face-saving solution for both sides
・Collins English Dictionary: A face-saving action is one which prevents damage to your reputation or the loss of people's respect for you.: The decision is a face-saving compromise which will allow the government to remain in office.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: done so that other people will continue to respect you: a face-saving exercise/gesture