English Collection



2021年06月25日 | 英単語
Richard Bachの小説 "Illusions" を読むことにしました。著者は 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'(カモメのジョナサン)を書いた作家として有名ですね。

He was not a large man. Hair to his shoulders, blacker than the rubber of the tire he leaned against. Eyes dark as hawk's eyes, the kind I like in a friend, and in anyone else make me uncomfortable indeed. He could have been a karate master on his way to some quietly violent demonstration.
I accepted the sandwich and a thermos cup of water. "Who are you, anyway?" I said. "Years, I've been hopping rides, never seen another barnstormer out in the fields."

"barnstormer" とは何でしょう? "barnstorme" を辞書で引きます。

・Collins Dictionary: in the early days of aviation, to tour (the country) giving short airplane rides, exhibitions of stunt flying, etc.:

・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to pilot one's airplane in sightseeing flights with passengers or in exhibition stunts in an unscheduled course especially in rural districts
・Oxford English Dictionary: Tour rural districts giving theatrical performances, originally often in barns.: ‘he barnstormed up and down both coasts and eventually played New York’

"barnstormer" 広い米国ならではの職業ですね。

米国のニュースで時々見聞きしますが、"barnstorme" は政治家が地方を飛行機で選挙キャンペーンなどで行くことにも使われるようになりました。
(Oxford English Dictionary)Make a rapid tour of an area as part of a political campaign.: ‘he was barnstorming down in Georgia’
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