Page Turnersシリーズの小説 "Bad Blood" を読みました。多読本なので難しい単語は全く使われていませんが一つだけ気になった表現があったのでそれを取り上げます。題名にもなっている "Bad Blood" の章から引用します。
Jay went toward Tony. "Think about it," he said. "Louie put Wu in jail for fifteen years. There's a lot of bad blood between them. Of course he wanted to get him! And he found the cruelest way. He found you!"
"bad blood between them" の箇所の "them" はJayの父であるLouieとLouieの目撃証言により刑務所に入り、つい最近出所したWuを指しています。 WuがLouieを恨んでいるのは分かりますが、"between them" となっているのが気になります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Ill feeling.: there has always been bad blood between these families
・Collins English Dictionary: If you say that there is bad blood between people, you mean that they have argued about something and dislike each other.: There is, it seems, some bad blood between Mills and the Baldwins.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: feelings of hate between people because of arguments in the past: There has been bad blood between the two families for years.
Jay went toward Tony. "Think about it," he said. "Louie put Wu in jail for fifteen years. There's a lot of bad blood between them. Of course he wanted to get him! And he found the cruelest way. He found you!"
"bad blood between them" の箇所の "them" はJayの父であるLouieとLouieの目撃証言により刑務所に入り、つい最近出所したWuを指しています。 WuがLouieを恨んでいるのは分かりますが、"between them" となっているのが気になります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Ill feeling.: there has always been bad blood between these families
・Collins English Dictionary: If you say that there is bad blood between people, you mean that they have argued about something and dislike each other.: There is, it seems, some bad blood between Mills and the Baldwins.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: feelings of hate between people because of arguments in the past: There has been bad blood between the two families for years.