Yuval Noah Harariの "Nexus" を読んでいます。Errors: The Fantasy of Infallibilityの章のTHE DISCOVERY OF IGNORANCEから引用します。
The scientific project starts by rejecting the fantasy of infallibility and proceeding to construct an information network that takes error to be inescapable. Sure, there is much talk about the genius of Copernicus, Darwin, and Einstein, but none of them is considered faultless. They all made mistakes, and even the most celebrated scientific tracts are sure to contain errors and lacunae.
最後に出てきた "lacunae" はいかにもラテン語由来の感じですね。 辞書を見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an absent part, especially in a book or other piece of writing: However, skilful editing cannot quite conceal the notable lacunae within the book.
・American Heritage Dictionary: An empty space or a missing part; a gap: "self-centered in opinion, with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance"
・Vocabulary.com: A lacuna is a gap or missing part. If you complain that there's a major lacuna in the bake sale, the lack of brownies is probably to blame.
The noun lacuna means an empty space or a hole where something should be. It's used a lot to talk about missing parts of books or manuscripts, either because lost pages have created a lacuna, or because censors have blacked out or removed parts of them. In the study of anatomy, a lacuna is a hollowed-out place or a cavity within a bone. In Latin, lacuna means "pit or hole," and its plural is lacunae.
欠損、脱落ですね。"lacunae" は複数形で、単数形は "lacuna" でした。
The scientific project starts by rejecting the fantasy of infallibility and proceeding to construct an information network that takes error to be inescapable. Sure, there is much talk about the genius of Copernicus, Darwin, and Einstein, but none of them is considered faultless. They all made mistakes, and even the most celebrated scientific tracts are sure to contain errors and lacunae.
最後に出てきた "lacunae" はいかにもラテン語由来の感じですね。 辞書を見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an absent part, especially in a book or other piece of writing: However, skilful editing cannot quite conceal the notable lacunae within the book.
・American Heritage Dictionary: An empty space or a missing part; a gap: "self-centered in opinion, with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance"
・Vocabulary.com: A lacuna is a gap or missing part. If you complain that there's a major lacuna in the bake sale, the lack of brownies is probably to blame.
The noun lacuna means an empty space or a hole where something should be. It's used a lot to talk about missing parts of books or manuscripts, either because lost pages have created a lacuna, or because censors have blacked out or removed parts of them. In the study of anatomy, a lacuna is a hollowed-out place or a cavity within a bone. In Latin, lacuna means "pit or hole," and its plural is lacunae.
欠損、脱落ですね。"lacunae" は複数形で、単数形は "lacuna" でした。