English Collection


parity era

2022年11月08日 | 英単語
The Japan TimesのSeptember 22の記事を引用します。

No stars? No problem: Interest in sumo grows as it enters parity era
A widely accepted axiom is that parity in sport is generally beneficial, and something that governing bodies should always be striving to increase.
In an era when many more rikishi than normal have a chance at lifting silverware, having international support spread out among the contenders only helps fuel and deepen sumo’s foreign fan base.
In the long run, of course, a young and strong yokozuna needs to emerge in order to energize domestic support. But for now, parity in sumo, just as many abroad are discovering the sport, is serendipitous.

"parity" と言うと、コンピュータで使うパリティビットとかパリティチェックしか思いつかないのですが、引用した記事の内容からすると "parity era" は突出したスター不在の時代を意味している様です。辞書で確認します。 "parity" の項に次の説明があります。

・Oxford English Dictionary: the state of being equal, especially the state of having equal pay or status: In many professions women have yet to achieve anything like parity at the higher levels.
・Collins Dictionary: If there is parity between two things, they are equal.: Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: equality, especially of pay or position: Firefighters are demanding pay parity with police.

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